College in Prison Program

在唐纳利,我们很荣幸为犯人提供现场副学士学位课程 Lansing Correctional Facility in Lansing, Kansas.

Program Achievements


Quick Facts:

  • 399 inmates who have taken courses since 2001
  • 34 Lansing students who have earned associate degrees

Why Is This Program Needed?


获得大学学位是降低再犯率和防止个人出狱后重返犯罪生活的唯一最有效的工具. In the United States, 70%被释放的囚犯会在5年内再次被捕(背景调查).com). 囚犯参加任何形式的教育项目都会使总累犯率降低43%(兰德).org). 拥有大学学位的人,再犯率降至19%(美国量刑委员会).

Saves Taxpayer Dollars 

根据司法统计局的数据,美国每年花费大约800亿美元监禁大约2名罪犯.其中许多人在获释后因无法找到机会和就业而重返监狱. 受过教育的人离开监狱系统,再犯率大大降低, billions of dollars will be saved. 

Safe Communities 

With fewer individuals returning to a life of crime, we will produce a healthier and safer community for all. 

A Vision for the Future


Our Program in the Press

How We Provide This Opportunity

"I told myself when I got to prison, I would do better. 我现在已获得副学士学位,正在攻读学士学位. 我非常感谢KDOC的导师和Donnelly老师的支持."

Andrew Claude, '22 graduate

“如果用一个词来概括的话,(这个项目)给了我们机会.... 有机会不失去那些年——能够走出去做点什么——这种感激之情无法形容."

Carl Hughes, '10 graduate

"For me, 大学是一个证明我有能力在犯下如此严重的错误后重新振作起来的机会. 唐纳利不仅为我提供了发展学术潜力的机会, but also the opportunity to be a better person."

Perry Reed, '03 graduate

"Graduation was one of the greatest days of my life. 我的自尊心飙升,我真的相信我可以完成任何目标. 此外,我的教育使我更接近我的家人和朋友. My children look up to me now."

Michael Bess, '03 graduate

For more information, contact